The LOTVS (LOng-Term Vegetation Sampling) collection gathers time-series of vegetation data collected in permanent plots worldwide. Currently, LOTVS consists of 87 datasets including vegetation data from 125 geographic locations (reported on the map below). The most frequently represented habitats are: grasslands, mixed vegetation types (e.g. savannas, shrub steppes), shrublands and forest understory.

The collection includes ~11600 vegetation time-series (minimum time span: 6 years) and observations for more than 5000 vascular plant species.

A full description of LOTVS can be found at LOTVS: a global collection of permanent vegetation plots.

For inquiries about LOTVS, contact Francesco de Bello ().

For information about the map, contact .

The R code used to generate the map can be found here as an .Rmd object that can be read in R. Last update: 2023-03-17 13:21:22. The map will be regularly updated.

Interact with the map.

- Click on clusters to zoom-in up to a specific location.
- Click on the markers (LOTVS icon) to get info on the datasets (notice that accessibility is coded as: O - open; R - restricted; PR - partly restricted. For more info on accessibility levels see
- Full-screen view can be activated by clicking the full screen bottom (top-left corner of the map window).

Data source: The map of the biomes was downloaded from (accessed on January 11th, 2021).